HyperLiquid (No KYC)
In order to setup HyperLiquid you need to have access to your Web3 / Metamask wallet and some USDC on Arbitrum.
Last updated
In order to setup HyperLiquid you need to have access to your Web3 / Metamask wallet and some USDC on Arbitrum.
Last updated
1. Click on "Connect" and follow the instructions. You will be asked to switch to Arbitrum network.
This is balance you are going to use for trading. You need some balance in order to be a registered user.
Copy your wallet address first, then export your private key. Don't store your key on your computer in plain text, after connecting VXAI remove it from your computer for security reasons.
Click on "Exchange Settings"
Click on HyperLiquid: Setup
Now enter your Wallet Address first
Then enter the Private Key
VXAI can now trade on yoru behalf. Just start the signals in the bot.